GSDI Conferences, GSDI 15 World Conference

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A Study of Vegetation Coverage and Water Storage Capacity in Datu tableland Before and After human development in 2000 to 2015
Tien Ying-Ping, Chang Kuo-Chen, Chen Chun-Kai

Last modified: 2016-06-02


Datu tableland is located between the land of Taichung Basin and Taichung’s Western Coastal Plain. It is a large Urban Green Corridors with multi-functions such as recreation, water resources conservation, air purification, and Ecological Service. In this study, We plan an integrated approach to investigate the impacts of land use and land cover (LULC) changes on hydrology at different scales in Datu tableland.

Hydrological modeling will be conducted for the LULC maps from remote sensing images at three times in three river watersheds of Datu tableland using the rain-runoff model .The remotely sensed data for grassland before and after tableland development are used to evaluate the vegetation coverage benefits by the established threshold for land cover discrimination. The total water storage capacity are estimated also before and after tableland development.

The result shows that the main LULC changes in this morphologic region from 2000 to 2015 were the transformation of farmland into built-up land, or forests into grassland and built-up land. The changes also decrease total water storage capacity in three river watersheds of Datu tableland .the approach of quantifying the impacts of LULC changes on hydrology provides quantitative information for stakeholders in making decisions for land and water resource management By linking a hydrological model and a ecological service model to remote sensing image analysis. The anticipated benefits for flood reduction may be also presented in disaster prevention


Vegetation coverage; Water interception and storage; Flood reduction


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