GSDI Conferences, GSDI 15 World Conference

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Feven zerihun Tesfaye

Last modified: 2016-06-06


GIS is mostly employed in a project that is for the community and to understand the situation of the community.Participatory GIS or Volunteered geographic information is a new and imaging advancement in the traditional GIS where we can use to show the spatial representation of the problem which allows the policy makers to see the problem from the community’s perspective. Crime against women is increasing in Delhi, and in this project progress was made to see if Volunteered geographic information Volunteered geographic information (VGI) can be used to map one very pressing problem in the Delhi community the incorporate TERI University student’s perception in the mapping of this area using participatory GIS. This work is done in the hope of helping the official in locating the areas that need and more attention when it comes to the crime against women in Delhi. Ushahidi platform was used for collecting the incident area which the students think that are unsafe, and they know a case of rape, insult, assault from the students.
( The other data set that was taken was the location of known sexual offenders from police website. The result of this project has come out the South, southwest, north, and northwest part of Delhi have high crime vulnerability. We also have tried to see the connection between the socioeconomic factors, and their implication on the outcome of this study and there is correlation between the socioeconomic factors and the presence of convicts
Keywords- Volunteered geographic information, crime against women,


Volunteered geographic information, crime against women,


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