GSDI Conferences, GSDI 15 World Conference

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The best policy decisions come from spatially connected and enabled Government
Andy Wilson

Last modified: 2016-04-28


To ensure the best possible policy decisions are made by Government, it is essential that key evidence and information from a variety of different organisations across the public sector is easily and readily available in one place by decision and policy makers to achieve that aim.

Ordnance Survey International (OSI) will explain how this has been achieved by initially implementing a comprehensive national spatial data agreement between Ordnance Survey and the whole of the British Government. This agreement enabled access to a broad range of Ordnance Survey spatial data to over 4000 organisations.

OSI will then illustrate how a single referencing standard has also been adopted across the whole of the British Public Sector, and provide evidence to show how most public sector organisations in Great Britain are now already using the same spatial data and the same location reference standard to;

- save millions of pounds per year

- reduce carbon emissions

- make the best possible policy decisions

- ensure public sector organisations can share information effectively

- implement efficient public services

- provide better and engaging citizen services

- ensure citizens are content and confident in public service delivered by Government

This work further supports government initiatives to improve transparency, accountability, innovation, interoperability and accessibility of data across the public sector. In addition we will demonstrate how the private sector is also interacting better with the GB government via this process. By following this model it will be explained how these critical foundations are fundamental to optimisation of a whole range of citizen services and specifically national disaster management.


spatial data infrastucture; governance; disaster management

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