GSDI Conferences, GSDI 15 World Conference

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The Applications of Information Service Platform for Disaster on Typhoon and Earthquake Events
Wen-Ray Su

Last modified: 2016-06-30


Taiwan is constantly attacked by typhoons, flood, landslides, debris flows, and earthquakes.In order to enhance the efficiency of management and application for disasters, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction(NCDR) established the Information Service Platform for Disaster to assist central ministries and local government grasping the key point of disaster conditions as fast as possible. The platform is based on the Web-GIS framework that the disaster information can be distributed via internet technology. It provides brief and to the point disaster intelligences to help Central Emergency Operation Center making decisions. Which  including the  real-time monitoring information, hazard models and graphical user interfaces to analyze and manage the disaster information such as the current position and possible path of typhoon, the spatial distribution of rainfalls, and potential areas of flooding, landslides and debris flows. It already successfully assisted several emergency response operations in the past five years, including more than 34 emergency response conferences. By far, NCDR had been popularizing the platform to disaster emergency response units from 17 counties in Taiwan in 2015. The popularizing work will be continued in the future. In addition, the platform had been tested through 6 typhoons and 1 heavy-rain event that it accumulated more than ten thousand user requirements during the emergency response meetings in 2015. In order to deal with the situation that a large number of user which logging into the platform at the same time when disasters happen, the platform is targeting on providing its service on clouds. In the meantime, the present data services framework is also adjusted for dealing with the situation that huge amount of users logging in in a short time. With these adjustments, the central and local government will be able to use the platform steadily and rapidly, which allow them to make proper decisions. In this article, a typhoon and earthquake historical events were shown to demonstrate the applications of information service platform for disaster. By integrating the disaster intelligences and fast information delivery, the goals of disaster prevention and disaster mitigation can be achieved.


Keywords: Decision support, cloud applications, disaster response, geospatial information


Decision support; cloud applications; disaster response; geospatial information


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