GSDI Conferences, GSDI 15 World Conference

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A Study of using the Interaction Teaching Model in GIS Course
Cheng-Ting Wu

Last modified: 2016-07-05


GIS is a focus on the practical application of knowledge, technology and discipline. Colleges or universities usually use the traditional way to teaching the GIS. For example the courses mostly one way of teaching: in substantive discussions, interactive teaching and in part over the lack of self-inspired, result in wrong students for GIS issues or more difficult to apply in practice the project. This article describes interactive for GIS teaching, we take reduced teachers taught proportion, and design various GIS practice application of issues. Students have to learn how to collect data, groups discussion and corrected errors concept. Teachers in the courses provide the resolve way and train the students thinking independent and find answers by discussion.

Analysis the results, we showed that most students on undergraduate teaching effect positive views, majority students spent time to prepare the course than others. Students increased practical application confidence and get more interested in GIS courses. Accordingly, the reasearch summarize the experience of the course, with tertiary colleague exchanges, to examine ways to improve teaching quality of GIS.


Geographic information systems, interactive learning, GIS practice question

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